Book Introduction: The Amazing Elevator

Do you like science fiction? Do you like stories about the adventures of children who are battling giant monsters or other nasties. Do you remember the Series by Enid Blyton, “Famous Five”, well in this book which I would like to help you know about called, “The Amazing Elevator, the Author, Chris Briscoe has written for both Young Adults as well as Secondary Age children (i.e.Middle and High School)

What’s the Plot

It best parts are the way the children get sucked into a rescue job of their youngest sibling, Jonny, who accidentally stumbles across a quantum tunneling experiment and as a result rides in the most technologically advanced elevator, which doesn’t just go up and down but any direction in our fourth dimensional world, but more importantly and excitingly, in the fifth dimension, which the Author the scientist calls “subspace.”

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel in a quantum elevator where you could travel not just up and down, but North, East, West and South, as well as up and down in space and in time? 

Well, if you would like to ride such an elevator, join us for the ride of your life!

In this story, the Green family children are suddenly the recipients of a grand, old stately house. During their adventures in Badger’s Wood and the Stately Manor, they chance upon their Granddad’s experiments in quantum tunneling and quantum entanglement, and in receiving his estate in the will, they all get more than what they bargained for!

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